Bethel Bible Baptist Church is a part network of evangelical churches founded by a former missionary to Ethiopia. There are other branches, or sister churches, all throughout Ethiopia. Though the country is currently closed to spiritual missions, by God's Grace the Wright's have obtained a license through the state government to legally operate the church and hold services. The church is growing in the local community, with many of the attendees being young adults and children. The church hosts several events throughout the week, like church services, after school programs, and kids programs. Many of the young Ethiopians who attend are seeing Christ and are believing in Him!
The church currently meets in a small two bedroom home that we rent. Attendance and church involvement has grown so fast that we're praying to purchase land to give the church a permanent space with room to grow. Our current layout holds about 30 seats indoors and 20 outdoors. If you would like to learn more about our land project, click below.